I am working on a Project at my University. I want animate a circular rotation in HMI, The availabe movements are horizontal, vertical, Diagonal and direkt. Do anyone have an Idea how to rotate an Object with a given Angle? Thanks
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Oh, as I know it is now good idea, because it is not realised by WinCC side yet. All what you can do is:
1) Make a parallel clockwork bit output (M 1.3) with your tag (M 1.1)
2) Take picture, RBM, then add graphic, rotate it in paint
3) Clear the background to make your objectbackground transparency
4) Take rotated picture and put in on top of your non-rotated same picture
5) Then just wire both your pictures to 1 and 0 state of your(M 1.3) tag.
It is the BADDEST, UGLY, TERRIBLE way, just to have some fun - welcome.
Second way is - to use VBS script with action time=1 sec, when you set your target pictures visible (1) or unvisible (0). But I don't have much time now, to make a good test, sorry.