Hello Automators, hope we are staying safe.
I have a Simple control program I have been working on for a bit. AT THE MOMENT It's got 3 FBs: one to control the motor, another to control and monitor the operating hours of the motor (an unusual timer ⏲ that i borrowed from a youtuber), and one final FB to monitor and control the number of times the motor has been turned on( a counter in the form of the unusual timer).
The program also has a data block for HMI communication vis-a-vis efficient writing of the inputs and outputs to PLCSIM and WINCC
Finally it has an HMI screen for visualizing and controlling the motors. The visualization is still in its early stages. lots to be done. Currently the homescreen has the visualization and control for one motor.
I try to implement what Mr. Philip Teaches so yeah a lot of the logic should be familiar😇
My request is:
Please can someone knowledgeable in versioning PLC programs in TIA indicate interest in helping to version this project? I wish to upload the assorted 😅😉 code so that interested Automators can suggest useful code additions which the versioning person can help to organize. I wonder if this can be done on github? I have zero experience with git but I believe it always helps to make an effort to contribute in an orderly manner. In addition to sharing the program, we coders with zero git experience can learn something helpful.
P.S. Mr. Philip explained versioning concepts already but I feel someone with more experience at versioning will really reduce the time and effort needed to update and improve the code for contributors.
P.P.S shout out to Mr. Rixen of HLFT
P.P.P.S I think I posted in the wrong category...I wonder if the admin can move it under TIA?
